Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014


Today I had my first exam in the US - woopwoop! But I have to admit my heart rate was pretty low - no excitement at all ;-) I knew it was going to be an openbook exam so I didn't prepare that much.
The rest of the day was superunspectacular as usual!

My breakfast:

On my way to the midterm... It's great fall weather again!! So excited to wear a sweater ;-)

This is my "happy as a clam because the sh*t is over and I got some coffee" face!

I did sooo much studying today again. The workload is pretty tough! But I made a great dinner. For the sauce I needed some wine so I openend that bottle. Never seen such a cute cork!!

We had lectures from 6 to 8pm again and after that I went to the gym. Now I skyped with my dad who sends greetings to Munich to Andrea's parents ;-) I will continue with another study session before falling asleep like a baby! Sooo tired today - puh!

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