Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014

Birthday Boy

We just woke up, our apartment is a mess... but wait, here is the full story!

Yesterday morning I spend with studying and blogging about Vancouver. I went for a round to the gym and in the evening I studied again until I had class. Then when I came home we had a birthday party for our roomie Meikel. It is his birthday today and so we decided to party into it. The others decorated the apartment and all of us had to wear silly hats! Hahaaa. Jordan even brought a beer pong table - and we played flip cup! Oh my god - I was even better than Americans :-) hahaaa! Sooo funny! We ordered pizza and had way too much alcohol but it was superfunny! At midnight Meikel got his presents and a cake! Happy birthday Meikel!!!

 That picture definitely is from yesterday evening when everything looked nice...

Happy birthday Meikel!!!!

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