Dienstag, 9. September 2014

These streets will make you feel brandnew!

To get you in the mood, try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UjsXo9l6I8

Today was our first full day of exploring NYC. We had a great 8h snooze in a very compfy king-size bed - could definitely get used to that - and had pancakes, bacon and bagel as breakfast in a small deli shop here in New Jersey. New Jersey turns out to be a very good place to stay, as we are in 20 minutes in NYC near the 9/11 memorial and the prices are sooo much cheaper than Hostels in NYC. We got on the train and rode to NYC: our first place was the 9/11 memorial.

Then we went along the waterfront south to the Battery Park and took the Ferry to see Miss Liberty.

The weather actutally was super warm even though there were a lot of clouds. The view from the ferry over Manhatten was simply amazing.

After the ferry ride we walked along Wall Street which is not really seeworthy and then went to the Chelsea Markets. Originally we wanted to go to the High Lines but it started raining really quick so wanted to go to the MoMa. Buuut suddenly it stopped raining and we went to the Broadway and Times Square. The M&M Shop is a very funny one and as I really love M&Ms I couldn't wait but to buy some.

On Times Square there is so much going on...

After Times Square we went to the New York Public Library. Carrie Bradshaw Moment included:

The Bryant Park is real close so we chilled a bit with this view:

We finished with the Grand Zentral Station and now we are really knocked out again as we walked for almost 12 hours.

Sorry Deutsch fällt aufgrund von hoher Müdigkeit heute aus...

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