Mittwoch, 24. September 2014

Last of the American Girls

California State University East Bay - Lecture Day 1!

My whole apartment and our neighbour apartment spend yesterday's evening doing our Alcohol online education. Seriously - never experienced something more boring! This was just total chicanery. The whole test took us about 3 hours and we were just sooooo annoyed with it!! And the funny thing is - you can fail it!? WTF?? Still don't get it why we had to do it... At least we spend our evening drinking beer while doing the test ;-)

Yes I passed... but as you can read there will be another test soon... yeah - NOT!

Woke up early and went to the gym. The weather wasn't that good but as you can see on the pic it already looked as if it will get great again!

Had my first lecture today - International Business Law. The professor seems to be really cool. His first words were: "I guess I know while you are studying in Cali. Weed is legal and the weather is great. You should travel a lot and go see the Grand Canyon." I think this will be a good one ;-)

Stephan is seeing the same lecture so we made a 2-cool-for-skool-pic ;-)

Went home and hey - it was good weather again! Our Hawaii travel guide arrived today so I will have a nice lecture to read at night... or at the pool...

After a relaxed afternoon we went to have our 2nd lecture. Business, Society and Government. The first thing the professor said was: "I will keep my mobile on just in case there is a shooting on campus. I thing this is good safety." Okaaaaay.... But he turned out to be really funny and there are a lot of open seats so I hope I will make it to the course.

Tomorrow I will go visit 3 courses - will miss the pool...

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