Samstag, 13. September 2014

Relax! Take it easy

Washington DC Day 1!

We had a very relaxed day, even though we walked another marathon...
We woke up early as our very privat tourist guide Michael (whom I know from Korea) met us at our hotel lobby and showed us "his city". We walked through the area Arlington where our hotel is located over the Potomac river to the city center.

Washington has a lot of memorials, it is actually pretty hard to remember...
This is the whole National Mall where we started at the Lincoln memorial.

I always have to think of the movie "planet of the apes"... You know what I mean?

From the Lincoln memorial you have a great look over the whole Mall.

Then we continued via the Vietnam and World War 2 memorial to the White House.

This is the Vietnam memorial:

And here you can see the WW2 memorial.

 I have to admit that "Olympus has fallen" and "White house down" are some of my favorite movies ;-)

After Michael and I got a Pretzel we walked towards the Museums - Andrea was not hungry! How could she?? ;-) We went to the National Museum of National History first. The good thing about DC: most of the museums are for free - yessss! The National Museum of National History is a cool place, they have a great selection of stones and gems which is really impressive.

There also is this huuuge elephant when you enter...

Then we continued with the National Gallery of Art - which also was for free and really is an impressive building!! They have a great collection from Degas to Cezanne and Renoir and... And it was a great place to see because it started raining.

To escape even more rain we had a great curry for lunch! Then Michael had to leave us and Andrea and I went to the Capitol.

The weather got better and so we chilled just in front of the Capitol. After that we got some coffee at the Union Station and chilled again in a nearby park. Like I said - take it easy all day!

Washington is sooo different from NYC: it is calm, there are no people - where is everybody?? - here you have fresh air and the metro is empty???!! And Washington has a station called "Foggy Bottom". When you don't know that it is located near the river it is really funny ;-)

Thanks Michael for being our private tourist guide! When you come to Germany, I will cook you some "Linsen and Spätzle" - you will love it!

Tomorrows plans: Georgetown and the Zoo - hope our feet will survive!

Washington Tag 1! Wir hatten Glück einen privaten Tourist-Guide zu haben: Michael, welchen ich aus Korea kenne. Gelaufen sind wir mal wieder einen Marathon. Vom Hotel ging es über den Potomac Fluss Richtung Zentrum. Dort haben wir die National Mall besucht, gestartet sind wir beim Lincoln Memorial, von dort ging es über diverse Memorials hin zum Weißen Haus. Danach haben wir noch 2 Gallerien besucht: die Kunstgallerie mit Gemälden von Renoir und Co, und ein Geschichts-Museum. Sonst haben wir eigentlich nur relaxed!

Der Plan für morgen: Georgetown und den Zoo - hoffe unsere Füße überleben es!

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