Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

Vegas Baby

Yesterday we arrived in Vegas and our hotel is: OH MY GOOOOOD!! We stay in the Palms and yeah it was worth every dollar ;-) We drove all the way from Death Valley to Vegas without stopping. Gerardo came to Death Valley so we drove together to Vegas. We went for Tacos when we arrived here and in the evening we went to the strip. The lights here are amazing exactly how you suppose it to be. Gambling is crazy, I lost 15$ but as you get free drinks when you gamble its fair.

Distance on a bike: 10 miles
Distance on an airplane: 9413 miles
Distance rode on a bus: 234 miles
Distance in a car: 2720 miles
Time spend on a bike: 7 hours
Time on airplanes: 24 hours
Time on a bus: 6 hours
Time spend in a car: 48 hours
Time spend on the pool so far: 22 hours
Amount being called sweetie until now by woman: 5
Amount payed for parking: 63 $ 

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